
Apollo 13 TV recordings

by Paolo Attivissimo. This article has been updated.

Tom McKeever, a New Jersey-based collector of space audio and video material, has granted me permission to publish some audio recordings of the US TV broadcast of the Apollo 13 mission. The recordings were made personally by Tom, using a microphone placed in front of his TV set forty years ago.

Please note there is no file 01.

02 - 13-AB prelaunch.mp3 – NBC report of launch, part one (12 min, 10 MB)
03 - 13-AC 4-11-70 launch.mp3 – NBC report of launch, part two (34 min, 31 MB)
04 - 13-AD post launch.mp3 – Unknown TV station reports TLI (5 min, 5 MB)
05 - 13-AE 4-13-70 problem reported – CBS News and NBC, shortly after accident and later progress reports. Includes at 11 min audio (recorder earlier) of the famous "OK, Houston, we've had a problem" call (28 min, 26 MB)
07 - 13AG - Engine burn.mp3 – (14 min, 14 MB)
08 - 13AH - Burning.mp3 – (45 min, 41 MB)
09 - 13AI - 4-15-70 report.mp3 – (9 min, 8.5 MB)
10 - 13AJ - CBS.mp3 – (2 min, 1.7 MB)
12 - 13AL - 4-16-70 Last MCC.mp3 – (18 min, 17 MB)
14 - 13AN - review of mission.mp3 – (40 min, 37 MB)

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