
Fonti di riferimento

di Paolo Attivissimo

Questo è un elenco parziale delle fonti consultate nella realizzazione di questo blog e dei miei libri Luna? Sì, ci siamo andati! e Moon Hoax: Debunked!; le ho trovate preziose per conoscere meglio le missioni lunari e spaziali in generale.

Siti Internet

I principali siti Internet dedicati alle missioni spaziali e alla tecnologia aerospaziale sono elencati nella colonna di destra di questo blog.

Documenti online

Apollo 11: trascrizione integrale delle comunicazioni terra-aria (Nasa.gov, 15 MB).

Apollo 11 Photography Index - 70 mm and 16 mm (Nasa.gov, 7 MB).

Lunar Module News Reference - J Missions, Grumman, per gentile concessione di Bob Andrepoint (Scribd, 55 MB).

Rapporti sulle riprese TV

Proceedings of the Apollo Unified S-Band Technical Conference, Goddard Space Flight Center, July 14-15, 1965 (24 Mb PDF); K.E. Peltzer, Program Committee Chairman, Goddard Spaceflight Center, 1965; NASA SP-87.

Apollo Unified S-Band System (1.7 Mb); K.E. Peltzer, Manned Flight Support Office, Goddard Space Flight Center, April 1966; NASA TM-X-55492 / X-506-66-156.

Lunar TV Camera: Statement of Work (Final Draft) (3.4 Mb PDF); NASA/MSC, 15 August 1966.

TV Show of the Century: A Travelogue with No Atmosphere (1.6 Mb PDF); Stanley Lebar and Charles P. Hoffman, Electronics, March 6, 1967. Document courtesy Stan Lebar.

Lunar Television Camera: Pre-Installation Acceptance Test Plan, NASA/MSC-SESD-28-105 (0.5 Mb PDF) 12 March 1968.

The Lunar Television Camera, E.L. Svensson, Westinghouse Engineer, No. 3, March 1968, pp. 46-51 (0.5 Mb PDF).

Apollo Lunar Television Camera: Operations Manual (3.9 Mb PDF); Stan Lebar, Westinghouse Defense and Space Center, 30 August 1968.

ALSEP Data Handling Estimates (198k PDF); BellComm Memorandum for File B69 05062, R.J. Pauly, 12 May 1969.

Apollo 10 Color Television (152k PDF); Westinghouse Defense and Space Center News Release, 16 May 1969.

First Color TV from Space (207k PDF); Warren C. Wetmore, Aviation Week and Space Technology, p18-20, 26 May 1969.

Mankind's Giant Leap (104k PDF); Robert Hotz, Aviation Week and Space Technology, p. 17, 28 July 1969.

Network Controller's Mission Report Apollo 11 (5.0 Mb PDF); 15 August 1969.

Communications on the Moon (3.6 Mb PDF); Electronics World, August 1969.

EVA Communications from Surveyor III Site on Apollo 12 (640k PDF); BellComm Memorandum for File B69 10020, I.I. Rosenblum, 8 October 1969.

The Probability of an ALSEP Accepting an Erroneous Command (542k PDF); BellComm Memorandum for File B69 12007, J.E. Johnson, 1 December 1969.

Apollo Color Television Camera (0.8 Mb PDF); L.L. Niemyer, Jr., Westinghouse Defense and Space Center, 16 September 1969.

Apollo 13 Television (1.7 Mb PDF); Westinghouse Press Release, 1970.

Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN) Postmission Report on the AS-506 (Apollo 11) Mission (17 Mb PDF), Goddard Spaceflight Center; February 1970.

Apollo Black-and-White Television Scan Converter (2.3 Mb); M.V. Sullivan, SMPTE Journal, vol. 79, pp. 621-625, July 1970.

Ground Control Television Television Engineering Notebook, Richard Bohlmann e coll., Manned Spacecraft Cente, April 1971- April 1972 (HTML link).

Ground-Controlled Television Assembly: Operation and Checkout Manual (7.0 Mb PDF); RCA, 24 May 1971.

Apollo Color Television Subsystem: Operation and Training Manual (3.8 Mb PDF); Westinghouse, 1 June 1971.

Apollo 15 Final Lunar Surface Television Operations Plan (8.0 Mb PDF); NASA Manned Spacecraft Center, 5 July 1971.

EVA VHF Communications with LM on Apollo 15 Traverses (1.6Mb PDF); BellComm Technical Memorandum TM-71-2034-2, I.I. Rosenblum, 16 August 1971.

Comparison of Measured LM/EVA Link Transmission Losses on Apollo 15 with Predicted Values (895k PDF); BellComm Memorandum for File B71 12012, I.I. Rosenblum, 20 December 1971.

Ground-Controlled Television Assembly: Interim Final Report (4.2 Mb PDF); RCA R-3838F, 25 February 1972.

Ground-Controlled Television Assembly: Final Report (8.6 Mb PDF); RCA R-3901-F, 29 December 1972.

Apollo Experience Report - TV Systems (1.7 Mb PDF); Paul P. Coan, Manned Spaceflight Center Television Subsystem Manager, NASA Technical Note TN D-7476, November 1973.

Shooting the Apollo Moonwalks (0.15 Mb); Sam Russell.

The Color War Goes to the Moon (0.8 Mb); Stan Lebar.

35 Years Ago, "One Small Step..." (0.4 Mb PDF), Jack Yanosov and the development of the PLSS radio unit. John Dilks (K2TQN), QST, February 2005.

Comparison photographs of the Apollo 11 Lunar Television as seen at Goldstone, Honeysuckle Creek, and Houston (4.4 Mb); Colin Mackellar, December 2005.


Questa sezione è in lavorazione.

Audio, filmati e video

Apollo 11: registrazione integrale delle comunicazioni radio (in streaming, Live365.com).

Apollo 11: riprese varie in 16mm (Archive.org).

Apollo 11: diretta TV parzialmente restaurata da Lowry Digital a luglio 2009, disponibile anche in qualità broadcast (Nasa.gov).

Apollo 15: riprese varie in 16mm (Archive.org).

Libri, articoli e riviste in italiano

Siamo andati sulla Luna? di Piero Bianucci, Scienza e Paranormale n. 37, maggio-giugno 2001, pagg. 26-32.

Non siamo mai andati sulla Luna, Bill Kaysing – Cult Media Net edizioni, 1997, ISBN 88-87179-00-X

Luna. Segreti e misteri del nostro satellite, Scott L. Montgomery - Edizioni White Star, 2009, ISBN 978-8854011595

I ragazzi della Luna, Walter Cunningham - Mursia, 2009, ISBN 978-88-325-4256-8 (recensione).

Missione Luna, Alan Dyer - Touring Club, 2009, ISBN 978-88-365-4716-6

Polvere di Luna, Andrew Smith - Cairoeditore, 2006, ISBN 88-6052-032-0 (recensione)

Dalla Luna a Marte, Harrison H. Schmitt, Le Scienze n. 491, luglio 2009, pagg. 44-53

Lo spazio tricolore, Dario Laruffa – UTET, 2009, ISBN 978-880208152-6

Libri, articoli e riviste in inglese

A House in Space, Henry S.F. Cooper Jr. – Granada Publishing Ltd, 1978, ISBN 0-586-04762-x

A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts, Andrew Chaikin – Penguin, 1994, ISBN 978-0-14-024146-4 (riedizione 2007)

Apollo: The Definitive Sourcebook, Richard W. Orloff, David M. Harland – Springer, 2006, ISBN 0-387-30043-0

Apollo 8: The NASA Mission Reports, Robert Godwin – Apogee Books, 2000, ISBN 978-1-896522-66-1

Apollo 11 Owners' Workshop Manual, Christopher Riley – Haynes Publishing, 2009, ISBN 978-1-84425-683-9

Apollo 11: The NASA Mission Reports, Volume One, 30th Anniversary Edition, Robert Godwin – Apogee Books, 1999, ISBN 1-896522-53-X

Apollo 11: The NASA Mission Reports, Volume Two, 30th Anniversary Edition, Robert Godwin – Apogee Books, 1999, ISBN 1-896522-49-1

Apollo 11: The NASA Mission Reports, Volume Three, Robert Godwin – Apogee Books, 2002, ISBN 1-896522-85-8

Apollo 12: The NASA Mission Reports, Robert Godwin – Apogee Books, 1999, ISBN 1-896522-54-8

Apollo 12: The NASA Mission Reports, Volume Two, Robert Godwin – Apogee Books, 2004, ISBN 1-894959-16-7

Apollo 13 (Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13), Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger – Coronet, 1995, ISBN 0-340-63806-0

Apollo 13: The NASA Mission Reports, Robert Godwin – Apogee Books, 2000, ISBN 1-896522-55-X6

Apollo 14: The NASA Mission Reports, Robert Godwin – Apogee Books, 2000, ISBN 9781-896522-56-2

Apollo EECOm - Journey of a Lifetime, Sy Liebergot – Apogee Books, 2006, ISBN 9781-894959-88-9

Carrying the Fire: an Astronaut's Journeys, Michael Collins – Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974, ISBN 978-0-374-53194-2 (riedizione 2009)

Failure is not an Option, Gene Kranz – Penguin, 2000, ISBN 978-0-425-17987-1

First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong, James R. Hansen – Simon and Schuster, 2005, ISBN 978-0-7432-5751-0

Full Moon, Michael Light – Jonathan Cape, 1999, ISBN 978-0375406348

Magnificent Desolation: the Long Journey Home from the Moon, Buzz Aldrin – Harmony Books, 2009, ISBN 978-0-307-46345-6

Moon Lander - How We Developed the Apollo Lunar Module, Thomas J. Kelly – Smithsonian Books, 2001, ISBN 978-1-58834-273-7

Space Race, Deborah Cadbury – Harper Perennial, 2005, ISBN 0-00-720994-0

The All-American Boys, Walter Cunningham – Macmillan, 1977, ASIN B001V6G0QU; I Books, 2004, ISBN 978-0743486675 (link)

The Invasion of the Moon 1957-70, Peter Ryan – Pelican, 1971, (nessun ISBN)

The Last Man on the Moon, Eugene Cernan – St. Martin's Griffin, 1999, ISBN 978-0-312-26351-5 (riedizione 2009)

DVD/Blu-Ray e trasmissioni televisive

When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions, Discovery Channel, 2008

Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On the Moon?, Fox TV, 2001

Apollo 8: Leaving the Cradle, Spacecraft Films, 2002

Apollo 11: Men on the Moon, Spacecraft Films, 2003

Apollo 11: L'uomo sulla Luna, Steve Ruggi, Discovery Channel, 2004

In the Shadow of the Moon (disponibile in edizione sottotitolata italiana con il titolo All'ombra della Luna), David Sington, Film4, 2007

NASA: The Big Missions, PC Advisor, 2002

Apollo 12: Uncensored, Global Science Productions, 1996

Apollo 16: Journey to Descartes, Spacecraft Films, 2005

NASA: Triumph and Tragedy, BBC, 2009

Mythbusters: NASA Moon Landing, Discovery Channel, 2008

Being Neil Armstrong, BBC, 2009

The Sky at Night: Apollo 11, a Night to Remember, BBC, 2006

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